Our Agents
I have been a Realtor© since January 1, 2006 and thoroughly enjoy it. I like helping people achieve their goals whether they are buying or selling, by providing good, timely information and advice. I specialize in homes and vacant land in Carbon County (Red Lodge, Belfry, Bridger, Fromberg) and have established relationships with other agents in the area to refer clients who are interested in property outside my area of expertise. I am a native Texan, born in El Paso and grew up in a small town, Floresville, just 3...
I feel privileged to have landed in an office with such a depth of knowledge of Real estate and property management in Carbon County. I relocated to Red Lodge from the Eastern side of the state and I absolutely love everything about this area. From the Pryor Mountains in Bridger to the Absarokee range west of Red Lodge, you can lose yourself in its beauty. Great restaurants, the outdoors, hiking, skiing, golfing, or just enjoying the people of our community are just a few reasons I love it here. I have been hel...
Coal Creek Realty is proud to introduce our newest Real Estate Agent Kelly Rysavy. Kelly is a graduate of Red Lodge High School and is a lifelong resident of the area. She and her husband, Kevin, own a home in Fromberg and raised their six kids in the Clarks Fork Valley. Kelly has crossed paths with her Broker Tera Reynolds over the years. First working with her in food service at the Red Box Car and Red Lodge Mountain, then six years as licensed Property Manager. Kelly has also worked at Fromberg School as a Para...